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Will you sell (or instructions for) ____ ?

Unless listed on my Rebrickable profile, then the answer is almost definitely no. A good portion of my trains and road vehicles I build are commercial instructions.


Do you earn commission or benefits from promoting any brands/products?

No; any brand (or shop) I recommend  is done as you would, as a paying customer. 


Where can I find out more about LEGO® (or other brand) trains?


Cale (the brains/main driving force behind Brick Model Railroader) appeared on A Modeler's Life podcast, there's the L Gauge wiki, and many other digital guides, videos and websites that can help. LEGO®'s own history of trains dates back to 1966 as a theme, although there were train models back in 1964!


Are there any websites/books you'd recommend?

If you're buying parts, Bricklink and LEGO's® "pick-a-brick" website are good starts; Brickset is useful for collection management and news; UK based people after alternate control systems can try TechBrick and Breckland Bricks for custom/aftermarket wheels and rods. I use LifeLights for my Blunami and lighting needs.

US based train designs can be
found at Brick Model Railroader, Brick Train Depot or PNW Steam Shop, and most of the decals for these models are produced by OKBrickWorks, who sells custom track parts, offers a custom decal service, along with selling custom parts like the F unit windshield.

Where can I find a list of UK LEGO® shows?

Bricks McGee keeps a pretty comprehensive list.


Is there any technical information available about the website?

The website is hosted via WIX and uses the "Spinnaker" (size 20) and "Brandon Grotesque" (size 24) fonts for most page details. The menu uses the "Trend" font (size 25)

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